Sunday 19 January 2014

What I Want You to Know Before We Get Married


Dear you. 
I really hope you choose me to be your wife for the cause of Allah
Yes, emotional influence is not deniable here
We both feel it
And may Allah protect us from satanic whisper
May He protect us before and after marriage
until we reach the Hereafter

There are a lot of things I want you to know
I won't force you to memorize them
but sure we will be tested after this
There's no pointer or credit hours
but there is reward from Allah if we successfully pass it

I want you to know
that I am not from a rich family
I wouldn't be a heiress to my parents' properties
So do my siblings
but I dare say
I own LOVE
in which I have been spending a lot for the people around me
and I dare say
I still have more for you
insha Allah, it wouldn't be depleted, as long as Allah wills
And if Allah wills, our children would inherit it, so do our grandchild... 
insha Allah, the love would flow until Jannah
as my weapon to face the world
And I really wanna share them with you
so we would face the world together
in the right path, in the cause of Allah, maturely
We would teach our generation
so all of us would become a part of the greatest Ummah

have made up a 'me' that you know
a 'me' that would always laugh and smile
a 'me' that would be so serious 

*sape ntah you tuh. hemmm

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